If you are going to hire a criminal lawyer, you will definitely want to make sure that you are taking advantage of the free consultation that many of them offer. During your criminal lawyer consultation, you will want to be sure that you are asking questions. Here are a few that you should be sure to ask:
How Many Trials Have You Been A Part Of?
It is very important to make sure your criminal lawyer is experienced and finding out how many trials they have undergone is a great way to find out. You will also, as a follow-up, want to ask what type of trials they were and how successful the attorney was.
Will You Be Handling My Case?
Many law firms will have a number of lawyers available to their clients, so the person you meet with for your initial consultation may not necessarily be the person who will take on your case. If they are not the same attorney, find out if you can speak to the one who would handle your case. After all, you want to make sure that you have a good rapport with them before you hire them.
What Will the Cost Be and How Do I Pay?
Finally, you will want to find out about the cost of your lawyer and how you can pay. Lawyers will either charge a flat rate or charge by the hour. With most criminal cases, they will charge by the hour. You should also find out how you will be able to make your payment.